The Kennel
Houston's leading Golden Retriever Breeder for 25+ Years

All Diamond RED Ranch Goldens are born and socialized in our dedicated engineered and Texas wind storm certified 1038 square foot climate controlled kennel facility.
Our entire family has a passion for the Golden Retriever breed and participates in the caring, socializing and breeding.

The kennel includes 4 spacious custom tongue and grove whelping, boarding and family viewing areas. All walls are R-19 insulated with 2 inch by 6 inch stud construction for maximum outside noise reduction.
A kitchen provides us the tools to prepare our own puppy formula and store medicine and vaccines at proper temperatures.

Newborn puppy care and security is a high priority for us. We use netvue cameras for 24/7 surveillance and our property is 100% fenced with power entrance gates. The kennel is located just passed our home 700 feet from the public road.
To maintain our goldens the kennel is equipped with an elevated bath/shower combination, electric grooming table and animal floor scale.

Golden family visits for puppy pick, play-dates and go home day are always exciting and special. The kennel includes a family area to relax and enjoy the new family member.
Several wall mounted televisions are used to gradually adjust the new puppies to the noises and pictures of typical life.

All puppies whelped in the kennel do not leave the kennel building unless for veterinarian routine appointments and at go home day.
Many of our veterinarians will come to us as a puppy kennel call and use our kennel for routine treatments (i.e microchip, final physical).

The Walt Disney Wall
Golden Family Pictures
Several years ago Walt Disney contacted us requesting the use of our puppies in a commercial promoting their new movie Santa Buddies. We agreed and the commercial was to be taped at a television station in Houston. We were excited and thought it would be a lot of fun. Unfortunately due to a network schedule conflict the commercial was cancelled in Houston and later taped in Las Angeles. After a few days we received a package from Walt Disney containing several movie posters, DVDs and a very kind card thanking us for being willing to help out with the commercial. We mounted the movie posters and card on our Kennel wall.
We started taking pictures of our Golden Families in front of the Walt Disney posters on puppy pick day and later on puppy go home day. The tradition just kinda happened and has grown through the years.
Please see below some recent pictures of our golden families!